Mittwoch, 28. November 2012

Hello Mister.

so here's to you.
I think you're awesome.
not a lot people can touch my heart this deeply.
Actually there are only two, you including.
Guys who sing what I feel.
Sing what I don't want to tell anyone.
This is why I started texting.
I wantet it to get it out of my head.
I know I'm not Goethe.
I'm obviously not, because there are no rhymes.
It's my own kind of poetry.
And I just wanted to thank you for all that.

Ouh. This will be quite embarrassing.
And, I'm not a fangirl.
I don't like just being a fan.
I think we're all normal persons.
And well, your a quite successful person.
Ouh. Congrats! :)
So, this isn't a 'OH MY GOSH WILL YOU PLEASE MARRY ME?'-kind of thing.
It's me.
I'd really love to hug you.
Just to realize, that you're real, I'm real and that I should go for my dreams.

I couldn't make it to Munich or Berlin, the train is really expensive, so I just wanted to thank you my way.
So, thank you Ed.

Thank you for helping me to be myself.

Sonntag, 25. November 2012

You don't understand and I can't tell.

If a simple touch could tell,
what's going on inside of me,
you'd understand.

If a single look could tell,
what I feel for you,
you'd know.

I just can't put in words.
I don't know how to tell you,
and actually, I neither know what to tell you.

I don't feel very well.
Nothing is alright.
Nothing is enough.
And I just can't stop thinking of you
My life is a mess.

Go make some enemies.

I won't give a shit.
I'm gonna go to London and make new friends.
Or new enemies.
Both seems very good to me.
Because enemies mean success.

Donnerstag, 15. November 2012

Mr. Hubble.

Hello you.
I love my friends.
But you're so special.
You're my best friend.
And I'm so unbelievable happy to have you.
You save me.
You're my hero.
I love that we can be honest.
I don't care what others think about me anymore.
Absolutely not. :)
It's all up to you.
Because I know,
if I'd be ridicolous, you'd tell me.
Did you know,
that I'm so happy to have you?
And I think that we can stay friends,
even with thousands of miles between us.

Thank you my dear. :)
Thank you Patrick. ♥

Mittwoch, 7. November 2012

Did you know?

There's no word for this feeling.
You may say it's 'unhappily fallen in love'
but it's just more than this.
It is like ride on a rollercoaster.
When I see you smiling,
I'm the happiest girl alive.
But sometimes these pictures of you and her reappear in my head.
It feels like being shot.
I can't think anymore.
It just hurts.
You shouldn't be worrying about these things.
You should be happy.
Because, I can't stand to see you sad.
There's no word for this feeling,
I really like you,
did you know?

Dienstag, 6. November 2012

I'm suffering.

Weißt du,
ich muss immer an dich denken.
Du bist so weit weg.
Und du kannst das hier noch nicht einmal lesen.
Weißt du,
manchmal frage ich mich,
ob du wirklich so bist, wie ich dich sehe.
Bitte lass dich nicht verändern,
lass dich nicht kaputt machen.
Ich sehe genau, wie du weniger lachst.
Warscheinlich bilde ich mir nur wieder etwas ein.
Das ist meine Spezialität.
Weißt du,
ich mag dich.
Aus komplett unschuldigen Gründen.
Denn, du bist wundervoll,
on the inside. :)
Ich hoffe irgendwann kannst du verstehen,
was ich meine.

Sonntag, 4. November 2012


Did you know,
you're making me insane?
That I can't go a day without your voice?
Did you know,
that I hate falling in love?
Especially with you.
It's like I'm cursed.
Whenever I'm absolutetly happy to be single,
right the next days,
I'll see someone who will steal my heart.
This time, it was you.

I'm sorry,
you're not the one to blame.
But this pain inside of me won't just stop.

You're a thief.